Policies & Forms

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Event Policies and Initiatives:

Prior to attending an event, please take the time to read the following:

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Event Registration:

To register for Canadian Cheer Brands Events, login or create an account on our online registration site. The head coach or registering administrator will be able to check the online system to see which athletes have been cleared for waivers, as well as for invoices, and receipt of payment.

Credit Card Authorization Form:

A credit card authorization form must be handed in to the Canadian Cheer Brands Main Office in order to complete any credit card payment. A new form will be required for each new event, or additional payments. The form must be completely legible. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

Athlete Waiver:

An athlete waiver must be signed and turned in for every athlete (siblings must have their own waiver – only one athlete per waiver) by a parent or guardian before entering the event practice gym. Please complete athlete waivers prior to the event. Athlete waivers are available online.

Coaches' Honour Code and Gym Attestation:

The Coaches’ Honour Code only needs to be signed by one coach per program. Please complete the Coaches’ Honour Code prior to the event. The Canadian Cheer Coaches’ Honour Code is available online.

A Gym Attestation must be signed by the Gym Owner and submitted to abbey@canadiancheer.com prior to each event attended. This form will list all coaches, gym owners, and admin that are attending the event who have a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) on file with the gym. (Coaches under 18 are not required to have a VSC, but are asked to be listed on the form and marked with an asterisk(*)

Submit All Paperwork:

Email: Abbey@canadiancheer.com
Fax: 905-842-0625
Mail: Canadian Cheer, 1410 Bayly Street, Pickering, ON

  • All paperwork must be received by the deadline in order to be eligible.
  • Registration is not considered complete until rosters, payment, athlete waivers and the Coaches’ Honour Code have been received in our office.
  • Payment must be received before the payment deadline in order to be eligible and to secure the current price point.
    • For example…payment for a registration at the Early Bird Rate must be received in our office before the Early Bird deadline.
      If paying by credit card, please download and complete the Credit Card Authorization Form and submit to our office with all required registration documents.
  • Athletes only need to submit one waiver for the entire competitive season.
  • Coaches (one per program) only need to submit one signed Coaches’ Honour Code for the entire competitive season.
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We encourage you to send in videos of questionable skills prior to your event to receive an official ruling. Reminder that the skill performed at our events needs to be performed the exactly the same way it appears in the video to get a ruling overturned.

If you are looking for skill approval, or help for skill legalities, you can email s.derosa@canadiancheer.com, or for an official ruling, please email  cheer.rules@iasfworlds.com; please note that prop approval must be received by the IASF prior to the event.

When requesting an official ruling from the IASF please make sure to include the following:

  • In the subject line: Your program name and Country you reside in
  • In the body of the email: The team’s Division, Level and area for which you are seeking a ruling (ex: Stunts – U8 L2 Stunts, U U12 L3 Pyramids)
  • Requests are limited to 1 Video of the SAME SECTION at a time. Multiple videos will not be reviewed.
  • We cannot evaluate any skill that is not submitted as a true attachment.
  • We cannot download a skill from iCloud (or any other online method) to review – or review a video on YouTube (or any other video service) as it does not give us the opportunity to reattach the video to our reply.
  • Rulings are based on the skill as performed in the video and are not a guarantee of legality as skills may be performed differently at a live event.

Athletes & Parents

Please connect with your coaches for questions and details pertaining to all Canadian Cheer Events. Looking for Event Schedules and Information?

Visit the Events Page

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Have questions or need help registering for an event? Contact abbey@canadiancheer.com

All Other Inquiries

Send us an email at info@canadiancheer.com

Coming Soon!

We’re on it! We’ll update the link once we have the info ready for you.

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